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First, I want to give a huge thank you to Jessica Burgess. Thank you! I am truly honored and excited to be nominated. Jessica is a homeschool, motherhood, and product review blogger. She loves her family, all-natural products and treatments, and homeschooling her kids. She writes about homeschooling her five children, product reviews, interviews entrepreneurs, and more. Get to know her better on her blog What’s happening with Jessica?! She’s a genuine person and it really comes through in her writing.

I am excited to get to know other bloggers through this exciting opportunity. I also see this as an opportunity to continue to learn and grow as a blogger so that I can make better content for you, my beloved readers.

Check out the rules and my nominees below.

The Rules
Liebster Award Discover New Blogs Graphic

“The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers but this has slowly lowered as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less.” – The Global Aussie

  • Give a shout out to the blogger who nominated you, share the love by linking back to their blog.
  • Share some random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5 or more bloggers who you feel deserve this award & who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer questions posted by the person who nominated you & ask your nominees to answer questions.
  • Comment on my original post letting me know you’ve accepted your nomination & leave a comment on Global Aussie blog post about the Liebster Award 2017 letting him know you have received a nomination.
  • Have fun, this is a great way to get your blog out there, discover new blogs and help other bloggers out.




Random Facts About Me

  • I’m Cuban American, but I was born and raised in Miami, Florida.
  • I dream of writing a book someday, but I don’t know what it’s going to be about yet.
  • My favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo.
  • My family and I are obsessed with Disney.
  • My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast because I love that Belle loves to read, but I admire Tiana’s work ethic.
  • I speak English, Spanish, and French.
  • My favorite food is cheese pizza.


  • I sometimes paint things just for fun. My preferred medium is acrylic paint, and I usually just follow free tutorials on YouTube or attend a paint night (the ones where you drink and paint with your friends).
  • I have a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, but I love reading and writing so much that I want to make them my bread and butter.
  • I want to write a book one day, but I have no idea what it’ll be about yet.




My Favorite Blog

My favorite blog to read is Mini Mummi Blogger because Romina is such a friendly online presence. She makes an effort to collaborate with other bloggers in the blogosphere and is one of the kindest bloggers I’ve had the chance of meeting. The love she has for her baby son (little J) really comes through in her writing, and I just love reading about her adventures in motherhood. She does a wonderful job of giving you a glimpse into her life, and she’s so charming that you are always left wanting to know more about her and her family. My favorite post is her birth story where she describes the birth of her son; I went on that journey with her and her husband and I almost shed of tear of happiness for them. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her in her Blogtober series this past month, and I look forward to reading more of her posts in the future. I can’t wait to see what adventures she and little J go on next!   

Questions For Me1. What gives you the inspiration to write?
What inspires me to write is the connection with readers. As a teenager, I was very shy. I used to observe people and be fascinated by their actions and motivations. I wanted more than anything to connect with them, but my shyness stood in the way of interacting with my peers. As years have gone by, I’ve become much less shy and learned to make genuine connections with people in my life. I also write with the hope that someone will read my work and say, “I don’t feel alone in my thoughts and feelings anymore. I understand what she’s writing about. I’ve felt that way too.” I write to connect on a mental and emotional level, and hopefully, help us all feel less alone. 

2. Why did you start your blog?
When I was an angsty teenager, I wrote a lot. I wrote for fun, to vent, to create. I wrote mostly for myself. But as I got older, I had less time to write, and I hadn’t written anything for fun since high school (almost 15 years ago), so I started my blog to work out my writing muscles after all of those years. Also, see the answer to question 1. 
3. What makes you the happiest?


This is going to sound so cliche, but this is the honest-to-goodness truth: what makes me happiest is the sound of my daughter’s laughter. Seeing her happy and thriving is my greatest joy in this world.


4. What is your favorite dish?


My favorite home cooked meal is vegetarian tacos. We use Morning Star Grillers Crumbles, baby spinach, Mexican-style shredded cheese blend, and plain greek yogurt (instead of sour cream); our tacos are my favorite. But my favorite store-bought or restaurant food is cheese pizza. *wipes drool from chin*


5. Name 3 qualities that describe you.
Genuine, fun, and loyal.


6. Would you ever travel the world in a camper van?


Can you travel the world in a camper van? Oh, you know what? You can. If you put your camper van on a plane or boat to cross bodies of water. My answer, then, is: Yes! Yes, I would. Our first stop would be Las Vegas, Nevada to see Wayne Newton, then we’d drive on over to Roswell, New Mexico to see the weather balloon (*wink*wink*) crash site.


7. Have you ever been in love?


Yes, I have. I’ve been in different kinds of love, but the love I share with my husband is the most beautiful because it helped create the person I’m proud to call my daughter.


8. What makes you laugh out loud?


My daughter is the funniest person alive. Her spontaneity and zest for life makes me feel so joyful and alive. Also, my husband. He gets my silly jokes and he’s so funny that we can laugh together for minutes at a time.


9. What is the best advice you would give others?


Show the ones you love that you love them before it’s too late. Live each day with intentionality. Have fun! Don’t take life too seriously.  


10. What makes you feel most grateful about life?


I’m grateful that I have such a supportive and loving family. I’m most grateful to have my family.

My Beautiful Nominees

Dayana from My Eklektik Mama

Sayward from SayNThings Blog

Victoria from My Momtastic Life

Ashley from A Vodka Kind of Mom

Amada from Russney Party of FiveBec from I’m Bec Webb

I know these ladies via social media and they are some amazing writers and women. I am proud to nominate them. They all deserve it!
Questions For My Nominees

1. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
2. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
3. What person (dead or alive) would you most like to meet?
4. What is your favorite room in your home?
5. What do you wish you knew more about?
6. What could you give a full 30-minute presentation on with no preparation all?
7. What is the one luxury item you use daily that you can’t live without?
8. How do you relax after a hard day of work?
9. What are you most looking forward to in the next 5 years?
10. What’s the best way to start off your day?

Follow Up with Me

Let me know if you will accept your nomination by commenting with your link to your post. I am very interested in reading your responses as well!

If you have any questions on accepting the Liebster Award, Global Aussie is a fantastic resource on steps to follow. You also want to make sure and comment on his post letting him know you’ve been nominated.

I want to thank Jessica Burgess for this wonderful opportunity. I am truly honored and I have had so much fun with this!

Don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know you have accepted your nomination. Thanks for stopping by.

<3 E. L. Lane